Claus Tolgaard, Denmark
We love your product and Oscar, 12 years old, is totally excited about the m-station Talent app. He uses it for practice every day and he is making great progress.
We love your product and Oscar, 12 years old, is totally excited about the m-station Talent app. He uses it for practice every day and he is making great progress.
We bought the m-station because our son loves to play football. He uses it all the time and his football skills have improved tremendously. It is also good fun when he has friends over.
Congratulations. It´s a great product! Beautiful finish, great design, and the assembly manual is brilliant. It is a product so well made that you just want to touch it (though it´s not possible because it has already been occupied by all the kids in town!). I think you have made a fantastic concept that bridges sport and interactivity. Young peopleThe youth need to get outside, and move around, and play while doing sports.
An amazing training tool. The boys use it constantly in the garden. The only downside is that we will need artificial grass soon because the grass on the lawn is almost gone from all the activity. All people with kids who love football should put the M-Station Talent on their wish listwish list.
One of my players struggled to turn with the ball when he was receiving it. But three3 to -four4 weeks after he got the m-station Talent, his turning skills had improved dramatically, just as his overall technical skills had takentook a major step forward.
Our son, Hans Christian Bonnesen, 12 years old, also called Kritte, got the M-station for our yard exactly one year ago. It is the absolute best investment you can give a real soccer-boy.
Kritte uses it every day, exercises he comes up with or ones he gets from his specifics trainer, Lauritz Smed. Lauritz is really good at explaining a very special exercise, which Kritte can take off YouTube (most recent one is the “Braithwaite”) and then practice, practice, practice.
Kritte plays in Helsinge daily and has been drafted as a FC Nordsjælland specific player. Furthermore, the m-station helped him get an interview for a magazine, in which he explains the importance of the combination between electronics and PE.
The electronic, where your iPhone can read the speed of the shot and such, as well as the importance of trying out the exercises in real life, not just reading about them on the computer.
We bought the m-station Talent, as recommended by Kritte’s coach, Lauritz Smed, because Kritte had to improve on some technical disciplines, and we can confirm with 100% certainty, that he has. We have such a happy soccer-boy. With lots of happiness,
Perfect. We are really enjoying the rebounder. It has so many options that can be used for football training. When you want to train with friends but is alone the m-station is a perfect teammate. It gives you high balls, hard balls ect.. We have an enormous joy and effect of using m-station. It can be strongly recommended to watch videos on all the possible exercises.
“When you see how much use can be made of the m-station, and the joy it gives, there is no doubt that it is worth every penny.”
“The app makes it possible for me to compete against my friends. It’s hilarious. In my family we’ve also come up with a lot of fun games! I would recommend all children and young people to get the m-station.”