Experience in-game situations with the m-station rebounder

Everyone who has played football knows that there is a major difference between practice and real games. During training and practice, everything is a bit slower, there is less adrenalin running through your body, and you do not commit to tackles as you would in a match. In other words, both your mind and your body are engaged differently.
Famous YouTuber Jorge Perez, the owner of the channel SoccerMachineTV, is known to provide great examples of how to properly do football exercises to improve certain aspects of your game. To Jorge, tools and devices for individual training are very important for those who want to improve continuously, as most players only practice with teams for a couple of hours each week. One of those tools is a football rebounder:
“One of the most valuable tools you can have other than having a soccer ball is a rebounder. It really opens up the possibilities as to what you can do: Receiving the ball and taking that first touch, which is a lot of what soccer is.”
Naturally, since football is the biggest sport in the world, the market for football equipment and football rebounders is very extensive – Jorge knows a great deal about this:
“There are other rebounders in the market but the m-station really stood out to me!”
According to Jorge, the m-station football rebounder stands out for several reasons:
“The first thing that we have to address is the rebound, the actual bounce of the m-station rebounder. It’s amazing! It’s really something else. I’ve tried different rebounders, but normally when you hit the ball and it comes back it comes back at a slower pace. With the m-station, there’s virtually no loss of force. The pace that you send the ball, that’s how you’re going to get it.”
According to Jorge, with the m-station and the greater rebound pace it provides, practice becomes like a real game, because you are forced to think and react faster. The only way to improve is by continuously challenging yourself, and with its extraordinary rebound pace, the m-station football rebounder makes sure that you do just that.
“With the m-station, the football can come back pretty aggressively, which is actually a really good thing if you’re trying to practice for a game situation, because in a game you are not going to get the ball soft; you’re going to get the ball at a pace and everything moves a lot quicker.”
The m-station football rebounder allows you to practice every aspect of your game. Whether you are looking to improve your first touch, shooting, turning, or reflexes, the rebounder can be adjusted to serve your every purpose. This is something that Jorge also noticed when using the m-station:
“When you have a rebounder that’s just stationary, the balls are just going to come back in the same way every single time. You’re going to get used to it and really there is not a lot more you can do. With the m-station, you’ve got that straightforward passer, you can do basic flat passes, and then you can adjust and tilt it in different ways. So you can not only practice flat passes, but you can also do a more slanted one and you can do passing back and forth in the air. I’ve been getting a ton of drill ideas!”
Watch some of SoccerMachine’s m-station drills here:
As an adjustable piece of equipment, the m-station football rebounder can be utilized in almost any scenario during a daily training session. Regardless of the exercise, the device can be used as a replacement for or in conjunction with coaches and other players. As Jorge says, the device is not only suited for training sessions with the team, but it is also a unique tool for those who want to practice on their own for several hours per day to become better football players.
“Overall, the m-station is a great piece of equipment to take your personal training to another level. The m-station is the best training partner and it will be there whenever you need it. The versatility of the rebounder increases the amount of drills you can do by yourself, which I think is valuable for a lot of you out there. It is a very valuable training tool for individuals serious about improving their game.”
Watch Jorge’s full video review of the m-station football rebounder here or get directly in touch with our Marketing Manager, Simon Secher, at simon@muninsports.com if you have any questions.