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Munin Goal Show – Week 4

This week’s winner of the Munin Goal Show is…

… Daniel from Denmark who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 2

Its friday and time for the Munin Goal Show!

Congrats to Mark from Denmark who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 1

This week’s winner of the Munin Goal Show is..

Congrats to Rasmus from Denmark who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Mumtaz Alam

Knægten elsker at lege med M station i haven og bruger flere timer i løbet af dagen eller weekenden !!!

Munin Goal Show – Week 3

Its friday and time for the Munin Goal Show!

Congrats to Jesper from Norway who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Mattias Belin, Sverige

“Jeg kan uden at overdrive sige, at min søns tekniske udvikling har været utrolig siden han fik sin m-station. Andre forældre har undret sig over hans udvikling og derefter købt produktet. Anbefales!”

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