Improve your volley finishing with the m-station rebounder

A well-executed volley is one of the most beautiful sights in football. Learn how to approach and hit a volley through these 3 drills to look like the pros. These drills are available on the MuninPlay app, which you can use to track your performance and improve at home in your very own yard.
Hitting a volley is difficult, but if done properly, the goalkeeper stands a very small chance of stopping the ball. Due to the ball’s movement in the air, a volley can be extremely powerful and almost impossible to manage for a keeper.
When hitting the ball, point your toes to the ground. Try to kick the ball during its upward movement and not downwards. Lastly, hit with power!
Bouncing through-balls can be difficult to handle without the right technique. If you are close to the goal, striking a fast volley is a good option if you want to make a powerful bending shot while wrong-footing the keeper. Start off with your right foot.
Step 1: Throw the ball at the m-station net using an overhead toss
Step 2: Allow the ball to bounce off the net and over your head
Step 3: Make a 180° turn and hit a right-footed volley after the ball bounces off the ground once
Repeat and then practice with the other foot. Use the MuninPlay app to keep track of your progress.
Difficulty: 2 out of 3
Striking a traditional volley is something that happens on rare occasion only. However, you are likely to encounter a half-volley opportunity at some point during a game or training session. To practice your half-volley finishing, start this drill with your right foot.
Step 1: Throw the ball at the rebounder using an overhead toss, and move your feet to prepare to receive the ball
Step 2: Allow the ball to bounce off the ground once
Step 3: Strike the ball before it bounces a second time
Repeat the drill and practice with the other foot. (You cannot choose where the ball is going to bounce in a real game, so you must be prepared to strike with either foot.)
Difficulty: 2 out of 3
Although it is rare, the ball sometimes comes directly at you mid-air, and you must be prepared execute a traditional volley. The clean strike of a volley is an amazing feeling, but it is hard to execute properly. Throw the ball at the rebounder (preferably set at an angle 100 – 150°) and prepare to strike the ball.
Step 1: Throw the ball at the rebounder using an overhead toss, and move your feet to prepare to receive the ball
Step 2: Allow the ball to bounce off the net and strike it towards your target before the ball ever touches the ground
Practice with the rebounder set at different angles, and practice with both feet.
Difficulty: 2 out of 3
If you are looking to practice your finishing even further, visit our YouTube channel to find more drills.