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m-station i Arsenal FC

Med 13 engelske ligatitler og 12 seire i FA-cupen, er det ikke tvil om at Arsenal er en av gigantene i engelsk fotball. En stor del av klubbens suksess kommer fra klubbens eget akademi som har produsert dagens førstelagspillere, slik som Jack Wilshere.

VI ANBEFALER: Forbedre dine kortpasninger med m-station rebounder

Arsenals akademi har en lang og stolt historie med å produsere kvalitetsspillere til førstelaget. Denne høye kvaliteten på spillere fra akademiet har gjort utviklingen av unge talenter til en av de viktigste filosofiene i klubben.

Administrerende direktør i Arsenal, Ivan Gazidis, til www.arsenal.com:

- Vår fremtid kommer til å bli bygget opp rundt hvor godt vi utvikler våre unge spillere og gir dem videre til førstelaget vårt. Dette har alltid vært et underliggende prinsipp for klubben, og det kommer til å fortsette å være tilfellet. Vi har tipp, topp trenere for de unge spillerne, og vi investerer i fantastiske fasiliteter.

Hvis du ønsker å se hvordan m-station brukes under treningsøktene i Arsenals ungdomsakademi, se denne videoen:

Implementering av m-station i treningsøkter

For å kunne ha en av de beste ungdomsakademiene i verden må man ha flotte fasiliteter. Som nevnt ovenfor ved Gazidis, investerer Arsenal for tiden i å forbedre sine fasiliteter, og en av måtene de har gjort det på er ved å innføre m-station fra Munin Sports i treningsøktene. Carl Laraman er en av akademiets trenere på Arsenals ungdomsakademi, og han beskriver m-station slik:

- Et fantastisk utstyr!

SE VIDEO: Forbedre dine avslutninger på volley med m-station rebounder

Laraman forklarer hvordan de bruker m-station på mange forskjellige måter i Arsenals akademi:

– Man kan bruke den på forskjellige høyder. For utespillerne våre kan man gjøre mange øvelser i forhold til mottak og pasninger, man kan også bruke den som rebounder ved skyting, og heading i forsvar og angrep.

m-station er et fantastisk treningsutstyr for å forbedre områder som ballkontroll og presise pasninger, to egenskaper som man svært ofte finner hos Arsenal-spillere.


SE OGSÅ: Forbedre dine reflekser som keeper med m-station rebounder

“Fantastisk utstyr for keepere”

Det er ikke bare utespillerne på Arsenal som bruker m-station på trening. Også keeperne på akademiet har god nytte av den. Keepertrener på Arsenals ungdomsakademi, Lee Smelt, er også stor fan av å bruke m-station på trening:

– m-station gir keeperne mulighet til å gjøre ulike øvelser på en ny måte, den gir dem et annet syn på ting, og det liker jeg som keepertrener. Jeg liker måten ballen spretter tilbake på med forskjellige vinkler.


Hvis du har spørsmål om Arsenal FC sin bruk av m-station, eller hvis du selv har en brukerhistorie som du mener bør bli omtalt her, vennligst ta direkte kontakt med vår markedssjef, Simon Secher, på simon@muninsports.com.

Munin Goal Show – Week 7

This week’s winner of the Munin Goal Show is…

… David from Sweden who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 6

Its friday and time for the Munin Goal Show!

Congrats to Frederik from Denmark who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 5

This week’s winner of the Munin Goal Show is…

… Marius from Norway who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 4

This week’s winner of the Munin Goal Show is…

… Daniel from Denmark who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 2

Its friday and time for the Munin Goal Show!

Congrats to Mark from Denmark who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 1

This week’s winner of the Munin Goal Show is..

Congrats to Rasmus from Denmark who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

Munin Goal Show – Week 3

Its friday and time for the Munin Goal Show!

Congrats to Jesper from Norway who wins a m-station Talent for scoring the best goal this week – Check it out right here!

Remember to upload your goals to Instagram and hashtag #‎muningoalshow‬ to participate in the contest! So grab you cameras and record those beauties!

5 drills for the striker

For a striker it’s vital to be able to score goals, outrun opposition players and confuse defenders with amazing dribbling skills. The Munin m-station helps you with improving your skills through various football drills that you can do on your own in your garden or at the local football pitch. In this article we’ll describe a few well-chosen drills that will improve some of those skills that are important for the modern day striker.


Drill no. 1: Fast Feet
Fast feet are fundamental for the modern day striker. Look at strikers as Lionel Messi, Sergio Agüero and Alexis Sanchez. All these players use pace and speed as key attributes when challenging defenders. With this drill, you can improve your explosiveness, which gives you an advantage against the defender in the next game. This drill can be combined with other speed-drills shortly after the warm-up.


Drill no. 2: Pass & Move Instep Finish
As a striker it’s truly important that you’re able to score goals with first time-finishes. With the Munin m-station you can practice just that. No teammates are required– just the m-station and a goal. The m-station acts as your teammate from whom you receive the ball before scoring a brilliant goal with the instep finish.


Drill no. 3: Finish With Header
Regardless of whether you’re short or tall, you’ll have quite a few finishes with the head during a season. Thus, a player like Harry Kane scored 4 out of his 19 season goals with the head during the 2014/2015 season, while 14 out of Christian Benteke’s 49 career goals for Aston Villa have been scored with headers. But even shorter players as Wayne Rooney (176 cm) and Gabriel Agbonlahor (180 cm) are on the top 10 list of most headed goals by active players in the Premier League. Therefore, it’s important that any striker practices this drill making you a better header. Use the m-station and try different variations of heading the ball.


Drill no. 4: Cruyff Turn
Johan Cruyff is one of the best footballers this world has ever seen. The dribbling Dutchman was known for his deadly finishes, his quick-thinking and his innovative dribbles. Now, you can practice the moves of the former Barcelona-forward with the m-station. The drill will teach you and improve your Cruyff Turn making you able to change the direction of the play and confusing defenders with rapid turns.


Drill no. 5: Two-footed Control
When having the ball in tights areas in the box, it’s absolute key that you’reable to control the ball with both feet in awkward situations. This drill will help you improve your ball control with both feet giving you the ability to pass the ball to an open team mate.

Welcome to Munin Academy

Munin Academy is your new football coach. If you want to become a better player – we want to help you.

Do you want to pass the ball like Iniesta, strike it like Aguero, position yourself like Modric, cut it like Robben, head it like Ronaldo, chip it like Messi?

All you have to do is contact us on Facebook, Instagram or e-mail and tell us what specific skill you would like to improve at. Then we will send you a video where we show you what you should do to reach your goal.

Do you want direct feedback on your skills? Then just send us a video and our coaches will tell you how you can become even better.

Munin Academy is dedicated to help football players learn new skills or fine-tune existing skills. Munin Academy is not just for high level players but primarily for any footballers who just wants to make a better dribble, learn a new move or simply be more confident on the pitch.

Our coaches has been working with players like Daniel Agger and Steven Gerrard and now you can learn from their experience.

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