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Support & Levering

Support, leveringstider og sporingsnummer. Du finner all informasjon her.

Kontakt oss

Åbningstider: Man-Fre 09 – 17

E-post: support@muninsports.com
Chat: Bruk chat-knappen nederst i høyre hjørne på siden.

Så fort som mulig og innen 24 timer vil vi svare på e-posten og chat.


Toll/moms er ikke inkludert i prisen.

Når pakken kommer til Norge, vil fraktselskapet (for eksempel UPS, TNT) belaste moms/mva. Dette beløpet er 25% av den totale kjøpesummen.

I tillegg må det betales importfortollingsgebyr på NOK 165 (UPS pris). Prisen kan variere.


Vi leverer over hele Norge fra lageret vårt i Danmark. Se eksempler på leveringstider her:

  • 1-2 ukedager: Asker, Gjøvik, Lillehammer, Oslo
  • 1-3 ukedager: Bergen
  • 2-3 ukedager: Haugesund, Kristiansand, Kristiansund, Molde, Stavanger, Trondheim, Ålesund
  • 4-5 ukedager: Etne, Mandal, Steinkjer, Tynset
  • 7-8 ukedager: Bodø, Meløy, Narvik, Tromsø


Før levering vil du motta en e-post med Track & Trace sporingsinformasjon, som forteller deg hvilken dag din ordre vil bli levert. Vi vet det ville være fint for deg å vite det nøyaktige tidspunktet på dagen når pakken vil bli levert, men dette er dessverre ikke mulig og du vil ikke bli kontaktet av fraktselskapet på leveringsdagen. Fraktselskapet holder deg oppdatert på din ordre ved behov. Du får en e-post tilsendt om det blir endringer i ditt kjøp eller din leveringstid.


Din pakke vil bli levert på ukedager mellom 9-17. Hvis du derimot ikke har mulighet til å være hjemme på leveringsdagen (sjekk e-posten med sporingsinformasjon) kan du gi fraktselskapet fullmakt til å legge pakken ved inngangsdøren din.

For å gjøre dette, vennligst skriv ut og fyll ut fullmaktsbrevet, og plasser det på inngangsdøren din på leveringsdagen.

Du kan laste ned fullmaktsbrevet her.

Du er alltid velkommen til å kontakte oss på telefon, mail eller via vår live-chat.

KAA Gent: Restitusjon med m-station

Riktig trening er måten du vinner din første kamp på, men riktig restitusjon er måten du vinner den neste på.

I en profesjonell setting utgjør det en enorm forskjell om du spiller på 98% eller 94% på din fulle kapasitet. Forskjellen kan se liten ut, men å ta 2-3 flere løp enn din motstander under en kamp kan føre til ett mål mer i protokollen, eller ett mål mindre baklengs.

Den belgiske klubben KAA Gent bruker flere m-station reboundere i sine daglige treningsøkter, men ikke bare for å forbedre spillernes tekniske ferdigheter. Fysisk trener Stijn Matthys utdyper hvordan m-station også brukes til restitusjon:

– Vi bruker ofte m-station i våre restitusjonsøkter. Dagen etter en kamp trener vi i 2 forskjellige grupper. Spillerne som startet kampen deltar i en restitusjonsøkt, reservespillerne og spillerne som ikke spilte har kondisjonstrening.

Staben hos KAA Gent tar i bruk m-station reboundere i sine individuelle restitusjonsøkter hvor hver spiller får bruke sin egen m-station. Disse treningsøktene involverer øvelser som stabiliserer ankel og kne, samt noen generelle kjerneøvelser.

Bruk av m-station som et verktøy for å gjøre restitusjonsøkter interessante

Ifølge Stijn bør det fokuseres på restitusjon i den første treningsøkten etter en kamp. Det finnes kjedelige måter å jobbe med restitusjon på, og det finnes morsomme måter.

– Vi anser dagen etter en kamp som den ideelle tiden for aktiv restitusjon. Dette kan oppnås gjennom aerobic-aktivitet med lav intensitet, som jogging eller sykling/spinning. Spillerne klager ofte over at de kjeder seg under disse øktene.

– Dette er grunnen til at vi ofte velger en aktiv restitusjonsøkt med ballen, som fremhever teknikk og moro. Derfor er m-station veldig nyttig for oss, som man ser i videoen.
Spillere er ofte ikke klar over at de driver med løping med lav intensitet. Særlig når vi tilfører en konkurranse, som å telle antall sprett mot m-station uten at ballen berører bakken, ser spillerne ut til å more seg mer under disse restitusjonsøktene enn under øktene med aerobic og løping.

How does goalkeepers benefit from using m-station?

We would love to talk to you about how you can benefit from m-station rebounders in your training sessions. Book a call or contact us via email if you have any questions.

How does football clubs benefit from using m-station?

Retention of players at all levels

Football clubs are continuously faced with the difficult task of keeping players in the club. The drop-out-rate is too high in many clubs but we know from experience that clubs who offer individual skill practice with m-station have a very high degree of satisfaction among their members and they see a higher retention.

The level of fun and the individual focus and individual development provided by the m-stations corresponds with what kids and youth players experience in their everyday life. And for professional players the m-stations add a playful element to their training that is hugely appreciated.

Ease the life of coaches

Many coaches face the pressure of creating fun and varied training sessions week in and week out and it can be a very demanding task to keep coming up with new drills and games. Providing m-stations for the coaches take off a lot of the pressure and it makes them quite popular with the players while the players develop their skills faster. A true win-win.

More activity at the training ground outside of training hours

In many places kids and young people spend less time playing football outside of the scheduled team practice compared to what kids and young people did 15-20 years ago. The competition from other activities like digital entertainment has caused the participation in small sided games to drop. But all the clubs who have m-stations accessible for their members outside of normal team practice tell the same story: their players spend a lot of time on fun games and competitions with the m-stations. They simply create life at the training ground for many hours every day. Even professional players in some of the best clubs in the world gets motivated to practice on their own.

Holds a world of self practice drills

Most coaches and players agree to the fact that players have to practice on their own if they want to become the best. But many players are faced with a very limited range of tools that can help them practice on their own in a fun and effective way. In clubs who have m-stations at the training ground the players can practice a broad range of technical skills at a high intensity and with great results. Several parents have send us letters over the years saying that their kids self practice with the m-station has been key to their success at getting selected for national teams and getting contracts in professional clubs.


We would love to talk to you about how you can benefit from m-station rebounders in your training sessions. Book a call or contact us via email if you have any questions.

How does football players benefit from using m-station?

Greater responsibility for their own development

A lot of youth players are much more concentrated when the pass the ball onto a m-station than when they pass the ball to a teammate. The reason why? The m-station makes them dependent on themselves. If they make a bad pass at the m-station they get a bad pass back. If they make a great pass they get a great pass back. In other words the m-stations makes them more responsible for their own development.

Concentration transfers to matches

We know by experience that the higher concentration level transfers into matches. It simply become part of the players performance to focus harder on every single pass they make – in training and in matches.

Challenging their technique and creative thinking

When training with the m-station players don’t reach a stage where it can’t challenge them anymore. A range of factors can always be adjusted to make each drill more difficult. An adjustment of the angle that sends the ball back in a flatter curve gives the player less time to react and makes it harder to control the ball with the first touch. Taking a few steps back automatically makes the player concentrate even more in order to hit the m-station. Making volleys instead of half volleys is much more demanding. And every time the bar is raised the players are motivated to use their creativity to get a great result.

More active in the training session and much more touches

When the training sessions is divided in smaller groups who each have a m-station the players experience a great flow and a high intensity. The waiting time is minimized and they get a vast number of repetitions in a short period of time. In a 15 minute volley drill they will get the chance to fire off more volleys that they would all year in normal training sessions where the practice of that kind of skill is more a matter of coincidence than structured practice.

Always someone to train with – also outside team practice

Almost every time we visit a training facility with m-stations outside practice hours we see players practicing on their own. Younger players use them for fun games and challenges and older players use the for dedicated practice of their first touch, passing and finishing skills.

Self practice at a whole new level

Many coaches would like their players to practice on their own and many players would like to put in the extra hours at the training ground. But to be honest it is tough to practice anything besides freekicks and feints on your own. Getting a pass is the fundamental prerequisite to practice many of the vital skills in football like receivings, turns, first touches, finishes etc. and if you are on your own without a rebounder these skills are almost impossible to practice. But the m-stations give the training ground a completely new dimension for both goalkeepers and field players who are out there to refine their skills. All of a sudden they can create a lot of games like situations and perform many repetitions in a short period of time and speed up their development while having a lot of fun.

A neutral training partner that never has a bad day

You can expect the same high performance from the m-station day in and day out all year round. The drills may vary but the ball will always be served perfectly to you.


We would love to talk to you about how you can benefit from m-station rebounders in your training sessions. Book a call or contact us via email if you have any questions.

How does football coaches benefit from using m-station?

Create joy, well-being and development for players at all age groups and skill levels

No matter how good you are or how old you are there is something magical about receiving a pass. When the ball comes to you in a match or in training it belongs to you, you can decide what you want to do with it. From kids to professional players we see the m-stations create a lot of joy and fun at the training ground and without noticing it the players get a huge amount of repetitions that strengthen their skills.

Easier for the coach to go more in depth with the individual players technical development

Today many coaches have to participate in the drills and pass the ball to the players and often they don’t see how the players carry out the actual drill like a shot on goal because they have to be ready to pass a ball to a new player. When the m-stations provide passes for the players you can stand next to each player and give him or her the advice that will develop their skills.

Make it possible to isolate and train difficult technical elements in a simple way

Football is a team sport and the team is not stronger than the weakest link. Each player’s individual ability to pass the ball to a fellow player and to receive and controlling the ball at the first touch is fundamental to any team success. But often these technical skills are more difficult to learn with teammates all around you. Like in all other technical sports it pays of to train and refine the crucial technical skills in football in a stress free environment where the players can focus 100% on their development. The m-stations create a space for the players where they can isolate themselves for a moment and get the feel for the right movements guided by their coach. A good example is volleys and half volleys. Although its a really fun skill to practice although it is important to be able to finish with a volley or half volley it is not something that is practiced methodically in many clubs. Mainly because it is difficult to set up an effective drill. But with the m-stations players at all ages and levels can practice volleys and half volleys in a fun and very effective way that will prepare the players to take advantage of goal scoring chances in matches.

Include several levels and age groups in the same training session

The m-stations allow the players to practice at their own level. Some might not be able to pass the ball onto the m-stations to get a high pass back so they throw the ball. Others at a higher level can pass the ball with their feet. And everybody gets a training session with high intensity, lots of touches and individual development. For youth coaches it is often difficult to include several age groups in the same training sessions because the differences in height and weight among youth players can very a lot. The m-stations allow the coach to include big and small players and set up drills where each player can practice on her or his own physical and technical terms and everyone will improve.

Make it possible to work with smaller groups of players

Each m-station at the training ground is an assistant coach to you and as all great assistant coaches they can keep the intensity and concentration in the drills. Because the m-stations force the players to focus and make great passes if they want great passes back. This makes it possible to work with smaller groups of players around each m-station and it gives you as a coach the chance to give individual feedback to players at one group without slowing down the intensity in the other groups.

New assistant goalkeeping coach

Giving the goalkeepers enough training in the specific goalkeeping skills like handling techniques, footwork, reflexes etc. can be difficult in a team with one or two coaches. However, when m-stations are included in the training session the goalkeepers can all of a sudden practice all the specific skills in a fun and effective way all by themselves. As a coach you don’t have to worry about making the training interesting enough for keepers. They will have a blast with the m-stations . The m-stations are used by goalkeepers in many youth teams and be the first teams in clubs like Real Madrid, Arsenal, Chelsea and Bayer Leverkusen.


We would love to talk to you about how you can benefit from m-station rebounders in your training sessions. Book a call or contact us via email if you have any questions.


Fraktpriser, leveringstider, sporingsnummer. Du finner all informasjon her.


Vi leverer over hele Norge fra lageret vårt i Danmark. Se eksempler på leveringstider her:

  • 1-2 ukedager: Asker, Gjøvik, Lillehammer, Oslo
  • 1-3 ukedager: Bergen
  • 2-3 ukedager: Haugesund, Kristiansand, Kristiansund, Molde, Stavanger, Trondheim, Ålesund
  • 4-5 ukedager: Etne, Mandal, Steinkjer, Tynset
  • 7-8 ukedager: Bodø, Meløy, Narvik, Tromsø


Toll og moms er ikke inkludert i prisen.


Din pakke vil bli levert på ukedager mellom 9-17. Før levering vil du motta en e-post med Track & Trace sporingsinformasjon, som forteller deg hvilken dag din ordre vil bli levert. Vi vet det ville være fint for deg å vite det nøyaktige tidspunktet på dagen når pakken vil bli levert, men dette er dessverre ikke mulig og du vil ikke bli kontaktet av fraktselskapet på leveringsdagen. Fraktselskapet holder deg oppdatert på din ordre ved behov. Du får en e-post tilsendt om det blir endringer i ditt kjøp eller din leveringstid.

Hvis du derimot ikke har mulighet til å være hjemme på leveringsdagen (sjekk e-posten med sporingsinformasjon) kan du gi fraktselskapet fullmakt til å legge pakken ved inngangsdøren din.

For å gjøre dette, vennligst skriv ut og fyll ut fullmaktsbrevet, og plasser det på inngangsdøren din på leveringsdagen.

Du kan laste ned fullmaktsbrevet her.

Kontakt oss

Åbningstider: Man-Fre 09 – 17

E-post: support@muninsports.com
Chat: Bruk chat-knappen nederst i høyre hjørne på siden.

Så fort som mulig og innen 24 timer vil vi svare på e-posten og chat.

7 grunner til å handle hos Munin Sports


Vi selger ikke bare m-station; vi har også produsert og utviklet den selv. Vi kjenner produktet ut og inn, og kan hjelpe deg med hver minste detalj.


Vi ønsker ikke å lage ting som går i stykker. Derfor har vi bygget vår m-station med førsteklasses materialer som sikrer produktet lang levetid. I tillegg kommer m-station med 3 års garanti.


Fra vår gratis app til de høyteknologiske strengene og treningsvideoene som er filmet med droner – vi elsker å kombinere teknologi og fotball. Vi er opptatt av å skape et innovativt og intuitivt fotballprodukt som er fordelaktig for deg.


M-station er rangert som nummer én i eksperttester gang på gang. Den har også høstet store mengder 5-stjerners vurderinger fra våre kunder.


Vi leverer til klubber som Real Madrid, Chelsea, Bayern München, Juventus og mange andre Champions League-lag. Å levere til de beste i verden er en prestasjon som vi er veldig stolte av.


Da vi lanserte den første m-station var det ikke mange reboundere på markedet. Siden da har vi sett en god del nye reboundere entre arenaen, men likevel er m-station fortsatt den generiske betegnelsen som blir brukt om en rebounder – akkurat som Xerox og Velcro.


Vi har gjort alt som står i vår makt for å gi deg den beste rebounderen i verden. Når du handler hos oss er vi klare med videoveiledninger og råd angående montering, å finne de riktige øvelsene, hvordan få tak i reservedeler og mye mer.


VIDEO: m-station i keepertreningen i Arsenal

For å kunne ha en av de beste ungdomsakademiene i Premier League må man ha flotte fasiliteter.

Implementering av m-station i treningsøkter

investerer Arsenal for tiden i å forbedre sine fasiliteter, og en av måtene de har gjort det på er ved å innføre m-station fra Munin Sports i treningsøktene. Carl Laraman er en av akademiets trenere på Arsenals ungdomsakademi, og han beskriver m-station slik:

»Et fantastisk utstyr!»

SPILLELISTE: 24 videoer med øvelser for keepere

Hvis du ønsker å se hvordan m-station brukes under treningsøktene i Arsenals ungdomsakademise denne videoen:

SE OGSÅ: Forbedre dine reflekser som keeper med m-station rebounder

“Fantastisk utstyr for keepere”

Det er ikke bare utespillerne på Arsenal som bruker m-station på trening. Keeperne på akademiet har god nytte av den. Keepertrener på Arsenals ungdomsakademi, Lee Smelt, er stor fan av å bruke m-station på trening:

– m-station gir keeperne mulighet til å gjøre ulike øvelser på en ny måte, den gir dem et annet syn på ting, og det liker jeg som keepertrener. Jeg liker måten ballen spretter tilbake på med forskjellige vinkler.

VI ANBEFALER: Kasper Schmeichel: “Skuddstopping”

Har du spørsmål om hvordan du bruker m-station hjemme eller i daglige treningsøkter på klubbnivå? Bruk chat-knappen nederst i høyre hjørne på siden.


m-station goalkeeper training in Arsenal

m-station goalkeeper training in Arsenal

m-station goalkeeper training in Arsenalm-station goalkeeper training in Arsenal

m-station goalkeeper training in Arsenalm-station goalkeeper training in Arsenal

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